- Louisa, een woord van liefde 1972

1 гласувал

01:44:09 минути

Чуждестранно име на филма: Louisa, een woord van liefde

Година: 1972

Държава: Холандия, Белгия

Категории: Драма, Романтични, Европейски

Филмът беше добавен на: Февруари 05, 2014

Режисьор: ,

Актьори: , , , , , , , , , ,

Възрастово ограничение: 13 години

IMDB: - 1972

Коментари: 0

Рецензия - Louisa, een woord van liefde 1972

"Louisa, een woord van liefde" means "Louise - A Word of Love". The young Isabelle escapes from the orphanage and she adopted by two chaps on a caravan. They then meet by chance the posh family of Louise- who runs away with the three adventurers when confronted with the reality of having to marry a Belgian with a large moustache and a bald head. They find a dog. Later Louisa degenerates into a minor moment of sexual hedonism and multiplexing with the two chaps before they are all overwhelmed by the Armageddon that was WW1.

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