01:16 минути
Чуждестранно име на филма: Mission to Lars
Година: 2012
Държава: САЩ
Категории: Документални, Приключенски
Филмът беше добавен на: Април 09, 2013
Режисьор: James Moore, William Spicer
Актьори: Kate Spicer, Tom Spicer, William Spicer,Lars Ulrich
Възрастово ограничение: 13 години
IMDB: - 2012
Коментари: 0Kate and Will Spicer's brother, Tom, has Fragile X Syndrome, the most common form of inherited learning disability. He is also a massive fan of Lars Ulrich from Metallica. They made a promise to Tom that they would get him to meet Lars. Tom's dream is their promise. Together they went on a Mission to Lars.
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