- Natives 2013

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00:20:04 минути

Чуждестранно име на филма: Natives

Година: 2013

Държава: САЩ

Категории: Драма, Комедийни, Късометражни

Филмът беше добавен на: Април 27, 2014


Актьори: ,

Възрастово ограничение: 13 години

IMDB: - 2013

Коментари: 0

Рецензия - Natives 2013

Rachel and Anita, a young Manhattanite lesbian couple, are visiting Anita's parents on the Indian reservation she grew up on, for the first time as a couple. Anita, estranged from her parents, wants the fact that they are a couple to be kept secret. In private moments Rachel fights to convince Anita that they should come out to Anita's parents and in public tries to build a relationship of her own with Anita's parents, chiefly by demonstrating her reverence for Indian culture--a culture which Anita has no interest in. As Rachel's attempts to connect with the parents become more and more desperate, Anita begins to question whether her background is what attracted Rachel to her in the first place.

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